Food for thought

I want to share all this with you because they are ALLl worthwhile messages so read and be guided accordingly:

2001- Anthrax was going to kill us 
2002- West Nile Virus was going to kill us 
2003- SARS was going to kill us 
2005- Bird Flu was going to kill us
2006- Ecoli was going to kill us 
2008- Financial Collapse was going to kill us 
2009- Swine Flu was going to kill us
2012- The Mayan calendar predicts the world ending
2013- North Korea was going to cause WW III 
2014- Ebola Virus was going to kill us 
2015- ISIS was going to kill us 
2016- Zika Virus was going to kill us 
2018- Nipah Virus was going to kill us.
2020- Coronavirus is going to kill us 

The truth is FEAR is killing you....

Turn off the TV, stop believing in social media, pray, laugh, enjoy , trust  God.. and nwash your hands again !*

  • Written by a Chinese Pastor sent to a brother in Istanbul via friends in Singapore

The hustle and bustle of China finally quieted down, the restless society finally calmed down, and the restless Chinese people gradually calmed down.

The *Wild Animals* that were once held by humans in cages finally managed to *Keep Humans in “Cages”*

Humans finally lowered their proud head and begun to think quietly: Are we still the king of the earth? *Mankind finally felt the power of Nature once again*

In the face of the threat of death, human beings have begun to reflect only to realize that a lack of a social atmosphere will lead to more harm

In the face of the threat of death, human beings have finally begun to reflect seriously, only to realize that a lack of awe-inspiring social atmosphere will lead to more harm and more risks.

The greedy heart is being purified by the virus, and the mouth that loves to eat is being punished by the virus. The people who have been soaking in the bright red and green places all day have been driven home by the virus, saying.... *Go home*

There are fewer and fewer people on the street, few cars on the road,

The Air is getting Fresher...., the Haze is gone..., the Sky is getting Bluer...., the Sun is getting Brighter...., Family Lives are getting Warmer, Harmonial, and Cordial and People’s hearts have become more and more Calm*

People who haven’t read for Years have picked up books at home. Parents and children who had no communication with their children, couples who couldn’t speak few words a year have opened up the conversation box. Children who did not know how to respect the elderly have also begun to be filial.

The virus taught human beings a vivid and profound lesson. It made us understand awe. It also let us know what is called *”Good Times”*. It also made us feel true love on earth. It made us gradually fall in love  *”Return to the Road”*, we really should be grateful for this *”Enemy”*, we need such an “enemy” to give us  a*Reminder”* and give us *”Empowerment”*

The greedy heart is being purified by the virus, and the mouth that loves to eat is being punished by the virus. The people who have been soaking in the bright red and green places all day have been driven home by the virus

The virus will not leave so quickly, it needs to see the *”Cultivation” of human’s good habits*, and the virus will not continue to rag, because *Human love will gather more power* to keep the virus away, time will tell us everything, Time will also prove what is right.



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