Is bond scam the only one of its kind our country encounters today? Let’s take a pre-election walk; do you hear the promises made, the ones they never intend to keep? Oh yes, they even condescend to shake your hand, but that’s not all, they also come to your homes no matter how poor you are, because you’ve got what they want – that all-important vote! Once that is obtained and election is won, YOU WON’T BE ALLOWED TO PUT A FOOT INSIDE THEIR OFFICE DOOR! Oh no, they are now the bosses and you are no longer valued for the vote YOU CAST – YOUR VALUE IS GONE WITH YOUR VOTE – that happens when you try to get a look in. 

Try calling, well you can call till you are blue in the face – NO ANSWER! Try sending a letter or in this era of Instagram; send an e-mail – no reply, send a gentle reminder, they never see it! They’ve got too much to do, too many calls to answer, too many letters to read, too many e-mails to reply! So, that is how much your vote matters! One wonders what the so-called secretaries and deputies are paid for. They are PAID TO FABRICATE, TO LIE, for the good of their bosses who sit on their behinds and continue to bask in the perks, the profits and the glory YOU GAVE THEM BY PUTTING THEM THERE! THAT IS THE REAL LIFE SCAM TODAY! IT GETS WORSE BECAUSE THEY ARE SHAMELESSLY ASKING WITH BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS - REMEMBER 21/4?

Real virtues like honour and integrity are defined by financial prosperity. Selfishness is portrayed as strength and we are taught that in order to be successful, we need to be wealthy. Enter the bond scam and every other imaginable scam on God’s good earth! They are either making mountains out of molehills or a molehill out of a mountain! Some have chosen to remain silent but then, silence is golden, isn’t it? 

In this era where corruption comes first, we continue to see fabrication where when wrongdoers are brought before the supposed courts of justice, tried and sent to jail, they are just let loose and even allowed to go abroad!

We wonder who is going to tell us why Ravi was originally chosen as Finance Minister and why a second term was proposed for Arjun Mahendran. Did those who propose not know or did they choose not to know? More importantly, all NATO CHIEFS (NO ACTION, TALK ONLY) who have opted not to know have now been told by the Acting IGP to submit reports on all six high-profile cases. Why the sudden action, the sudden need to implement what has been lying dormant ALL THIS TIME?

In this era where corruption comes first, we continue to see fabrication where when wrongdoers are brought before the supposed courts of justice, tried and sent to jail, they are just let loose and even allowed to go abroad! 

Suddenly, the emphasis is on the unsolved mysteries – they must take us for fools! These robotic culture clones who govern us reward ignorance and glorify idiocy for real intelligence; welcome to a country where you are worshipped for your selfishness and taught to ignore what is important! Turn a blind eye; get a resounding pat on the back and all will be well. Now that it is pre-election time, ALL IS WELL, WE ARE GOING TO ERADICATE THE DRUG MENACE, IMPLEMENT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT AND ALL WILL BE WELL, FINDING SOLUTIONS BEFORE ELECTIONS IS SO SIMPLE BECAUSE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ONLY TO PROMISE, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO KEEP PROMISES, JUST PROMISE AND ALL WILL BE WELL.

Why do positions of power make people forget their humanity – we have shining examples like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mahathir Mohamad and our very own D.S. Senanayake; all we are is human and so a person’s quality of life should not be determined by what he or she has or does not. Why should children who wield a bat or throw a ball be worshipped by millions, when poor children are struggling to get into school because they don’t have the money to pay the phenomenal donations required? Why is it that these children get no recognition? Who has taken up their cause and done anything about it? This is not all though; there is still the scourge of tuition! Tuition given by their own teachers! Where we ask is the justice in all of this?

Is honesty really a virtue and does nobody want to hear the truth? It makes no sense to vote and work for a system that makes the selfish rich and selfless poor! Success today depends on who you know, not what you know; this is the stark reality! We need to wake up and see where we are headed! 


We learn that life consists of 3 Ex+Ex+Ex – Yesterday was ‘experience,’ today is ‘experiment’ and tomorrow is ‘expectation.’ Our morons have not learnt to use their experience in their experiments to achieve their expectations! They will never learn that between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows there is only ONE TODAY and you should use it wisely! They are never happy with what they have, they always keep striving for more, more and more. They have not learnt to fight with their strength, instead they fight with the weakness of others; they refuse to acknowledge that true success lies in YOUR EFFORTS, NOT IN OTHERS DEFEATS!

Is honesty really a virtue and does nobody want to hear the truth? It makes no sense to vote and work for a system that makes the selfish rich and selfless poor! Success today depends on who you know, not what you know; this is the stark reality! We need to wake up and see where we are headed! 




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