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By H. M. Dharmapala - Dehiwala
120th Sri Dalada Maha Perahera Ceremony of the historical Kotte Rajamaha Viharaya began on August 17 with an all-night Pirith chanting ceremony and a “Sangagatha Dakshina” (offering alms to the Bhikkhus) held on the next day afternoon and the Kap planting ceremony took place at the auspicious time at 7.10 pm on August 19.
Sri Dalada Perahera ceremony is held on the auspices of the chief incumbent of the Kotte Rajamaha Viharaya cum Upa Nama Lekhadhikari of the Sri Kalyani Samagri Dharma Maha Sangha Sabha, Ven. Aluth Nuwara Anuruddha Thera. Rituals associated with the Sathara Devala are carried out by the Chief Custodian, Rohitha Pathmadeva and other custodians of the Devalas during the time period of the procession.
The parade carrying the Kap to be planted left the temple premises amidst Hevisi sounds, together with Pahatharata Thelme dance items and paraded around the temple and entered the premises once again. The Perahera would be parading the streets on August 29.