HC dismisses lawyer Nagananda’s petition

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By T. Farook Thajudeen  

The petition filed in the Colombo High Court by Civil Rights activist lawyer Nagananda Kodituwakku was dismissed by the Court without taking it into inquiry.  
The petition was filed by Mr. Kodituwakku for the recovery of Rs. 100 million as damages from the three Supreme Court Judges who had suspended the legal practice of the Mr. Nagananada for three years following a Supreme Court inquiry held against the petitioner of this case.  

At the onset of the inquiry before High Court Judge Gihan Kulatunge Senior State Counsel Farsana Jameel objecting for the pleading of the petitioner to file written submissions said the three judges had given the judgement after circumspectly perusing the facts of the case and had acted within the jurisdiction of their office as Judges.  

 Therefore, the petitioner has no status to file this petition against the three Judges, Justices Nalin Perera, Sisira De Arbrew and Prasanna Jayawardena.

She also contended that even the Judicature Act has not made any provisions for the petitioner to make such a claim from the three Judges who had performed their official duties as Judges. .  

High Court Judge Kulatunge while refusing the petitioner to file written submission dismissed the petition.  

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