Commissioner-General of Educational Publications says: give textbooks on the first day of new school year     Follow

By Chaturanga Samarawickrama  

The commissioner-general of educational publications yesterday instructed all heads of schools to arrange for the handing over of textbooks to students on the very first day of starting of the first term next year.  

The commissioner-general said that they revealed the ministry had not taken measures to hand over textbooks even to schools having less than 1,500 students. He also said the relevant textbooks were not being taken to the zonal educations office from the books distribution centres.

Therefore the educational publications commissioner-general advised all heads of schools to collect their allocations of books and to hand  them over to students on the very first day of the school-year in 2020. He also requests them to contact him (TP: 011 278 4815) for any enquiry.    

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