Yoga: The ultimate connection for a healthy mind and healthy body     Follow

International Day of Yoga – June 21

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word “Yoga” derives from Sanskrit and simply means union or link. There are different types of yoga such as Bhakthi Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Karma yoga and Raja yoga. 
The theme for the 2017 celebration, organized by the permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, is “Yoga for Health”. The theme highlights the fact that yoga can contribute in a holistic way to achieving equilibrium between mind and body. The organizers believe that this approach to health and well-being can make a direct and useful contribution to humankind’s quest to achieve sustainable development and move towards lifestyles that are in harmony with nature.
In Sri Lanka, there are many Raja yoga centres in which knowledge and meditation are being taught to people from different walks of life. In Raja yoga, a soul links with the supreme soul. As a result, the soul gains divine power from the supreme soul which enables the mind to be controlled and the soul to become free from the sense organs. It means the soul becomes self-sovereign and enables us to create elevated actions. That is why it is called Raja yoga, the king of all yogas.



At present, we have lost our original qualities such as divine knowledge, peace, purity, love, happiness and bliss. By practicing Raja Yoga, we can regain our original qualities and become powerful. The soul, the living being is a point of light, the life energy. The soul becomes empowered through Raja yoga practice. By practicing Raja yoga, our life will be changed from a complex to a simple life. Any impurity in the soul in the form of vices such as anger, lust, greed, ego and attachment brings complexity. Complexity brings confusion, insecurity and instability. This will lead to a state of depression. Simplicity is natural and holistic. Originally, our soul has the quality of simplicity. Simple people go beyond happiness and are blissful. Our blissful natural nature automatically brings health and wealth. Hence, we cannot be simple unless we are pure. Any vices or impurity in us will not allow us to be simple. So we have to regain our natural nature of purity and peace. The only method to gain purity is to connect with the supreme soul who is the purifier, who will empower ourselves. When we have the power of purity, we can help others free themselves from stress, tension and confusion.



The first step to Raja yoga is to establish the true identity of the self. “Who am I?” The awareness that I, the soul and not this body will enable us to tune ourselves to the connection from the supreme soul. In the matters of relationship between father and son, wife and husband, lover and beloved or friends among each other, we have observed that the closer one comes to the other, the deeper  their awareness of each other and the more widespread their love. In fact, so deeply are they absorbed in thoughts of each other that nothing can stand in the way of their remembering one other. Similarly, the formation of true relationship with the supreme soul, our Supreme Father, which is what we understand by Yoga, is manifested by exclusive absorption in thoughts of him and consequently the constant remembrance of him.



When we stay in connection with the supreme soul, we get empowered and start to spread the vibration of purity, peace and happiness to our surroundings. The atmosphere itself will become peaceful and pure. When we sit in a gathering at least for half an hour and spread these vibrations of peace and purity to the atmosphere through the power of thought, we could remove the suffering of souls who need peace. Similarly, if we could gather together and spread the pure vibration to the flood victims, they will be comfortable and lead their lives happily. Therefore the need of the hour is to bring peace and hope to those who feel hopeless. We have to connect the victimized souls with the supreme soul for a moment and start to donate peace and pure vibrations. While having pure feelings and good wishes for the victims, we are able to donate more vibrations of peace. That is, you have to have positive thoughts that the victims should experience peace and come out of their sorrow to a new beginning with more strength, whilst sending these good wishes and pure feelings, you yourselves are able to visualise the happiness on the faces of your brothers and sisters around the world who are affected in numerous ways due to natural calamities, wars and economic crises.
Only those who enjoy good health both physically and mentally can enjoy a life of happiness with peace of mind.

Conducting a yoga session in this manner is an opportunity for anyone to spread peace to deserving people around the world. On the third Sunday of every month, between 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm, meditation during “World Peace Hour” is conducted by members of the Brahma Kumaris Raja yoga Centres throught the world.
To mark the third International Day of Yoga this month, the Brahma Kumaries Raja Yoga centres in Sri Lanka are organizing a meditation programme on Sunday, June 18 from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm for the public under the theme “The Ultimate connection, Raja Yoga for a healthy mind and healthy body” at the Buddhist Cultural Centre, 32 Sri Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi Mw. Colombo 5. Participants will benefit from a pictorial exhibition, Yoga demonstration, a talk on the theme and will contemplate on the self and donate peaceful vibrations with guided meditation in all three languages. Admission is free. 

So let all of us give hope to the hopeless at this time of need by spreading good wishes and pure feelings  “Be Holy be Yogi”

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