White Cane Safety Day at Colombo YMBA

The inaugural White Cane Day Programme organized by the Colombo YMBA jointly with the Sri Lanka Foundation For The Visually Handicapped was held at the Colombo YMBA Main Hall, Borella recently.   
The objective of organizing the White Cane Day programme was to educate the general public that the White Cane is not only a device to guide travellers with vision loss but also a symbol for members of the community to recognize and assist the blind or visually impaired citizens. The other objective was to emphasize and educate the public that the blind or visually impaired citizens deserve better care and position in society to ensure the worthiness for a better living and to create a stronger awareness that they are prepared to enter the mainstream society to play their individual roles in the development process of the country. 
Over 300 blind or visually impaired persons inclusive of their close family members from island-wide attended the event. 300 white canes were distributed to the blind and visually impaired.  The Chief Guest on the occasion was Irvin Weerackody the Chairman of Pheonix Ogilvy Advertising. Two guest speeches were made by Mr Mallawaarachhige Priyantha, President of the Sri Lanka Foundation for the Visually Handicapped who is also the President of Past Pupils Association of the Blind School Ratmalana. The other guest speaker was Mr Ishan Jalill Program Manager Sri Lanka Unites, both visually handicapped delivered inspiring speeches to encourage the Blind Community for their active role in society. The event was organized under the leadership of Mr Maddumage Ariyaratne President of the Colombo YMBA and Mr Anura Serasingha Vice President and Branch Secretary of Trust Funds & Skills Development Committee of the Colombo YMBA and Mr Mallawaarachchige Priyantha made untiring effort to achieve the objective of the Programme to best of its success. The Colombo YMBA notifies the General Public that White Canes are available at the Colombo YMBA head office in Borella Contact General Manager Tel: 2694411 for direct handing over of White Canes to the Visually Handicapped persons on FOC basis.

Former President of the Colombo YMBA Deshabandu Tilak De Zoysa handing over a White Cane to a recipient. Also in the picture Left to right Mr Madumage Ariyaratne President of the Colombo YMBA, Mr Irvin Weerackody Chief Guest, , two recipients from Visually Handicapped foundation, Mr Anura Serasingha Vice President Colombo YMBA, Mr P. Methananda Treasurer and Mr M. Priyantha and President of the Sri Lanka Foundation for the Visually Handicapped. 

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