Thousands of devotees at St. Anne’s, Thalawila     Follow

When the overnight dew had settled down and the hush of silence fell upon the massive crowds of faith and the Holy Mass commenced, they all felt the spiritual presence of St. Anne. Many went back spiritually healed and others leaving behind their worries at her feet.   

It was amazing and true when it happened at the annual festival of St. Anne where she appeared symbolically at Thalawila with thousands of devotees flocking to see and hear their gentle shepherd, Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis and Rt. Rev. Noel Emmanual, Lord Bishop of Trincomalee and a visiting Bishop from Jordan, Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop Maroon Lahm who led the Holy Mass. Bishop Valence started off the service invoking peace and blessings of the Lord upon the beleaguered nation people: 

“You must trust in the Lord and not be afraid to surrender yourself to him in faith and he will look after you when you experience peace of mind and protection from evil: The Bishop touched on the sufferings of the poor and in lighter vein quipped ‘We do not need mosquitoes probably referring to the deadly dengue but he said: ‘Take a look at the poor fishermen who battle with the deep sea risking their lives and come back without a haul only to starve with their families. So are the farmers and rest of the poor but if you all trust in the Lord, you shall not starve.’  

Bishop Emmanuel read a passage from the Bishop referring to the spiritual upbringing by Anne, her daughter, Virgin Mary in nurturing her towards the future preparation of the Holy Conception.    

Resplendently decked in flowers, St. Anne’s chariot led the way out escorted by the cadets of the Ceylon Navy and followed by the three Bishop who participated at the Holy Mass, wondrously organized by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Nelson Samantha who spared no pains to make the day spiritually memorable.   

Kumari Weerakoon  

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