Those dangerous metal lamp posts     Follow

eference the article in the Daily Mirror (28.10.2018) under caption Those silent metal lamp posts - They have been standing tirelessly for nearly two centuries I wish to state below how my efforts, wasting my time, energy and money, to remove such a dangerous one has turned futile so far. 
There is an iron lamp post without being used for any purpose for over three decades at Mahavidyala Mawatha, Colombo.13, (Closer to Kingsley Theatre). It stands on the middle of a pavement, which is less than three feet and the base of it is getting rusty.

In fact, two pedestrians cannot walk on the pavement because of this hitch.
I sent a registered letter to CMC Commissioner requesting to remove it but was not attended.
Then I sent another registered letter in August to the CMC Electrical Engineer (Workshop) and he too did not take any action.
Then I sent a petition to the Minister of Local Government hoping it would be attended. He had referred my letter to the CMC Commissioner on ‘To attend without further delay’ with a copy to me.

By November 2018 and nothing had happened. Nobody cares it even if that iron post collapses and kills a pedestrian.
I cannot understand how the authorities can totally ignore a notice brought to their attention in regard to a dangerous situation appraised by a citizen continuously with great concern to a fellow citizen’s life.
After all, is it not better to remove all unused posts that are just left in the city without being used?

Be they be of CMC, CEB, or telecom. All the District Engineers should be instructed to do so in areas coming under their purview.
Taking this opportunity, I request the Prime Minister to strictly instruct the CMC, and other State institutions, to reply a registered letter addressed to it as ‘Ordered and carried out’ by Ranasinghe Premadasa during his period of serving in different posts.

By Nazly Cassim

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