The grandeur of Ahlul Baith


The wives of the Holy Prophet (Sal.) and his descendants are known as “Ahlul Baith”. They are called in different names in certain countries. They are called “Thangal” and “Koya” in India. These descendants are called : “Mowlana” in Sri Lanka. They are called “Seyyed” and “Sadath” in other countries.   
Let us research these descendants in the light of Al-Qur’an and Ahadith!  
“Say you, “I ask not of you any wage for it but affection in respect of kinship”.  
(Chapter Ash-Shoora, Verse-23)  
“O! the members of the family of the prophet! That he may remove you every uncleanness and purify you well after cleaning you thoroughly”.  
(Chapter Al-Ahzab, Verse-33)  


"The misfortune that befell a group of people. If one of my (The Holy Prophet’s (Sal.)) family members sit among them they will stop their conversation. By God promise, they will not have faith in their hearts until they love my descendants for the sake of Allah and my family."

According to many interpreters of Al-Qur’an, the Ahlul Baith will be safeguarded from polytheism (Shirk).   
Chapter Al-Ahzab, verse-33 clearly describes this. According to the above Al-Qur’an verses, we understand the descendants of the Prophet Muhammed (Sal.) will live till the end of the world.  
“The misfortune that befell a group of people. If one of my (The Holy Prophet’s (Sal.)) family members sit among them they will stop their conversation. By God promise, they will not have faith in their hearts until they love my descendants for the sake of Allah and my family”.  

(Ibnu Majah)  

“You will not be a true believer until you love me more than yourself. Further, you will not be a true believer until you love my family and my relatives more than your family and your relatives”.  

(Thabarani, Baihaqi )

The Holy Prophet (Sal.) has said at his sermon of the last Sacred Hajj among his companions as follows:  
“I am leaving two principles for you to follow, which are Al-Qur’an and my family. You will not go astray until you follow them”.  


 “One who hurts my family (The Holy Prophet’s family) will die as a Jew”.  


“Mahdi (A.S.) will be born in my family (the Holy Prophet’s family) and a descendant of my daughter Fathima (Rali)”.  


Imaam Mappillai Lebbai Alim (Rah.) has compiled a panegyric in his Mowlidh Al-Hasanain as follows:  
“Loving Prophet Muhammed (Sal.) and his family are two obligations. Do not differentiate between them. Those who love them are true believers”.  
These authorities are good enough to prove that the descendants of the Holy Prophet (Sal.) will live till the end of this world.  
Therefore, let us respect the Prophet Muhammed (Sal) and his family! Ameen

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