Statement by Ajantha De Zoysa Presidential candidate of Ruhunu Janatha Party

Many have asked me as to why I chose to present myself as a Presidential candidate and the primary reason for this decision has been to create a platform to raise awareness of the major imbalances that exist in terms of devolution of power down to the rightful levels of franchise and entitlement.   

It is hoped that my candidature would help in raising both consciousness and awareness of the unjust mismatch in terms of focus, and the distribution of resources and opportunities.   

Hopefully it will also bring cognizance to the crying need to implement provincial based development, as both the only efficacious method of economic development and sustenance, quite apart from being a moral and ethical obligation. The Ruhunu Janatha Party which was formed in 1995 was Sri Lanka’s first provincial based party that espoused and articulated aspirations and needs from a regional point of view. We have been fortunate to have our views endorsed by the voter public, and have had representation in Local Government, Provincial Councils and in Parliament.   

The Colombo Centric economic development that the country has witnessed since independence, and inequality in the manner that various races and religions have been viewed and treated, have led to the morass of iniquity , insurrection, terrorism, civil disobedience and economic stultification that the country has faced over several decades. The insurrections of the 70’s and 80’s and the Three- Decade- Terrorist Movement had their roots in unfairness and lack of opportunities. 

Vested interest both within and without the insurgent and terrorist groups then fed on these grievances in order to expand and propagate their so called causes. 

The 21st century Sri Lankans are still being frightened into submitting their will, and sacrificing their freedom on trumped up allegations of the so called “National Security  

The recent terrorist attacks which were carried out by extremist groups with or without the instigation of hidden hands, again were rooted in the racial and religious divide created by polarisation and bigotry.   

It would be funny if not for the fact that it is so sad, that 21st century Sri Lankans are still being frightened into submitting their will, and sacrificing their freedom on trumped up allegations of the so called “National Security”.   

Sensible Sri Lankans would realise that the last external threat to Sri Lanka was the Japanese Bombing of Colombo and Trincomalee during World War 2, even the occupation force of the IPKF was on our invitation till they were sent packing by President Premadasa, hence there is no threat to national security from the outside.   

As such, it is gratifying to note that Presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa seems both serious and sincere in his sharing of our belief and in committing to the promise in respect of essential devolution within a unitary state. 

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