Paranoia     Follow

Now my  dreams are of explosions
In the stillness of the nights slumber
Loud deafening sounds ring through my ears
Where they are coming from is unknown
The only thing known is the news morn may bring
of death and destruction
The sudden midnight call for evacuation
The off-chance text that may bring sorrow 
Of the death of someone known.…
The seismic pressure that every time I  step out
The fear of hearing that unearthly explosion.
and then
I dream of greener pastures
Where the words bomb or death
Need not be uttered
Every so many hours
Where there are no media concoctions
No confused opinions
No mis guided threats or fear
I dream of better days
Happier memories
Of visits to my favourite hotel …. but it only reminds me of that terrible day
That torment my already sleepless nights
The fear of now standing in queues
Or crowded shopping malls 
The sadness of not being able to 
Partake in the solemn tribute
For my fallen colleagues
Of not being able to
 light a candle for these friends
That I still consider as my family
I dream of death
A remorseless entity
A robotic force 
It cares not which victim it clutches
Nor when……… Nor how… Nor time of day
It does not hear the silent cry   of the victims’ families
It does not see their panic stricken looks
It has no feeling…. It thinks no thought.
 It isn’t alive….Yet very much alive
And its sole purpose
Decide when to strike
Then strike
And then it loses its power
Like ashes  disappearing in to the earth .

By: Hiranya M. Fernando

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