National crisis and the need of the hour

We, as a whole nation, are witnessing horror and terror again at present after a lapse of a decade. The calmness and serenity, which were enjoyed by the people irrespective of ethnicity, caste or religion, have been destroyed by the cruel minded and uncivilized barbarians.  
Lives that were taken away mercilessly and the trauma and distress that have been created among the family members of the deceased as well as the persons who have lost their limbs could not be explained in words.  
Further, the terrorist attacks have blemished the buildings, properties and crippled the individuals and the national economy in a devastating manner.  
The beautiful dreams of the parents who have lost their children and the partners who have lost their better halves and the children who have lost their parents have now become as shattered dreams. Their plight is immeasurable.  

Where did we go wrong?  

As a country, we did not have any goal or objective for peace and harmony after the war victory a decade ago.   
We were contented with the celebration of the victory. The members of the Government, as well as Service Personnel, who are responsible for providing safety and protection to the general public, have been in lackadaisical attitude in the past on future protection against horrendous terrorist attacks that have engulfed the minds of the citizens.  
Having cast their valuable votes, to the representatives, now the voters feel that they have faltered in their decisions.  
Parliament is defined as the as the supreme legislative body. However sadly I personally believe there are only a few with refined qualities.  
I support my statement by witnessing the telecasts of the proceedings of the Parliament in television and news articles in print media.  
Information of the recent terrorist attacks had been reportedly conveyed to the leaders by neighbouring countries and our own defence and intelligence networks.  
However the so-called leaders behaving like school children said that they were not aware or not informed.   
This proves beyond doubt that they were immature to be in high posts in Parliament and incapable of ruling.  

What went right after the terrorist attack?  

I was born Hindu however had studied at St Joseph’s College, Colombo 10 and proud to be brought up in a multi-linguistic, multi-cultural and multi-religious environment.  
Hence, I am familiar with the Teachings of Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Krishna, and Lord Jesus Christ.   
In this context, I salute Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith for upholding the values of Christianity by his soothing words and deeds with compassion, which have prevented riots to a greater extent. 
"We did not have any goal for peace and harmony after the war victory..."
It was also heartening to note socially acceptable speeches and sermons made by the members of clergy of all four religions, brought the crisis to normalcy to a greater extent.
On behalf of the general public let me take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks filled with gratitude to all heads of our Armed Forces and services, top officers, officers, soldiers including the officers of the Police, Army, Air Force and Navy for their untiring efforts to counter the terrorism in no time and their services rendered to restore peace in the country.  
I wish to place on record the determined, dedicated and disciplined work that they have carried out to rebuild our nation expeditiously.   
I am fully aware that they had to cancel all holidays including the New Year holidays staying away from their families and sacrificing their immense valuable time to protect our country.   
Some have sacrificed their lives to protect our mother land. 

What has the Government done for them? 

Hence, I request the representatives we have elected to recognize and remunerate all Service Personnel and all religious leaders who have rendered yeomen service to restore serenity, peace and harmony.  
It would be better if the recognition appears in the media, especially in the print media.  

What next?

In Medical terms “Well-diagnosed illness is half cured”  
Here are some possible solutions to make peace and power to prevail in our country and request the leaders and the relevant Ministers and Officers to take vital decisions boldly.  
Let bygones be bygones in the political arena and in the lapses in the country’s administration front to prevent the initial disaster.  
I appeal to the general public to cast their votes based on performance at future elections.  
1) Most of us including the leaders have only “wishful thinking”. Those are not supported with “Action Plans” besides a strategic plan the country.  
Hence, it is vital to have “Smart” (Specific. Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Related and Timely) objectives coupled with action plan by the individuals as well as leaders, who want to develop the country in order to regain normalcy.   
The questions that need to be addressed in the Action Plan along with other parameters are as follows;  
What is our objective for the country the next 5,10, 15, 20 or 25 years time?   
Where are we now?  
Where do we want to go?  
How do we get there?   
What Resources do we need ?  
Who will do the Job?  
Who will be responsible?   
How much do we need as the National Budget?   
What are the contingency plans?   
When do we start and finish the action plans?  
4) Let the officials do their assigned duties and do not interfere with their duties.  
For example, the duties of the Armed Forces should not be performed by ordinary citizens.  
Political speeches should not be made by the members of the   clergy.  
5) In future there should be no school be tagged indicating the religious or ethnicity in the name of the school. Children must be taught to mix with all religious, ethnic and cultural groups.  
There should be no majority of one religion or ethnicity in a school.   
6) Study of religions should be made compulsory.  
7) Children should be taught to be “Trilingual” in all schools.  
8) Lessons on Self discipline and compassion should be conducted in a periodical manner in Schools.   
9) Overseas funds which are transferred to religious institutions and individuals should be monitored by the relevant authority.  
10) Suspicious finances of individuals or groups should be tracked systematically.  
Let us consider the facts of above recommendations and act as good citizens and follow our forefathers who have safeguarded.         

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