Id-ul-Fitr, festival of charity     Follow

Islam, as a religion, caters to everything good in society. It not only directs man on how to worship his creator and sustainer and obey him but also changes his behaviour and attitudes as regards his celebrations.  
Before the advent of Islam, Arabs used to celebrate certain days and occasions in an uncivilised way, indulging in drinking, gambling and adultery. But after Prophet Muhammad, Islam changed that barbaric society and introduced a civilised, refined and cultured way of celebrating.  
The aim of Id-ul-Fitr is to introduce a cultured form of celebration that offers the following benefits to mankind.  
Id-ut-Fitr gives the true picture of social equality, when all the Muslims irrespective of caste, creed and colour, wealth and position gather together and bow down before Allah the Almighty. The only greatness in their mind is the greatness of Allah, which they utter with their tongues.  
“Allah is the Most Great, Allah is the Most Great. None is worthy to be worshipped besides Allah. And (I again declare) Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great.”  
On this happy occasion a Muslim does not forget the poor, charity which is the form of ‘Sadakathul Fitr’ (Commonly known as Fitra) is compulsory for all Muslims, who have an adequate amount of wealth as described in Islamic Law.   



" On this happy occasion a Muslim does not forget the poor, charity which  is the form of ‘Sadakathul Fitr” (Commonly known as Fitra) is compulsory for all Muslims, who have an adequate amount of wealth as described in Islamic Law"


Id-ul-Fitr is the occasion to demonstrate self-discipline and moral consciousness earned through the devotional exercises of fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadhan.  
To achieve real success in all circumstances in life a disciplined moral-self is indispensable. The day of ‘Id’ is the starting point of that disciplined life which was fashioned as a result of the rigid sustained devotion in the form of fasting.  
At this point we must comprehend that social and spiritual bliss cannot be achieved without a strong inner conviction. Honesty cannot be advocated for others if we cannot practice it ourselves.  
Love and affection cannot be strengthened if we ourselves cannot practice it. The Muslims are those who believe in the commands of Allah and do service to others.  
The fasting teaches us to solve our daily problems and to learn to adjust our system to reduce hunger, poverty, and discomfort so prevalent in our community.  
Let us therefore, on this important and significant occasion return to this natural and purified state in which God created us.  
Let us from this day, maintain this state free from sins, so that we can truly withstand evil and destructive temptations that are ruining mankind.   
Thus, Id-ul-Fitr conveys the message of “social equality”, charity to the poor and self-discipline to all mankind irrespective of their social status and ethnic origins. At this juncture it is our profound duty as true Muslims to transmit these values to other nations.  
May Allah guide us to achieve these noble aims and grant us the good of this world and the good in the hereafter.  

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