Exposition of Buddha’s sacred hair relics in Kurunegala

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The two-day exposition will take place at Athkanda Viharaya on September 10 and 11

Life is all about perspectives, the way we view things and the way you let such events and moments define your life.   

One such moment that will have a lasting effect on my life is the day I helped orchestrate the relocation of the sacred hair relics of the Buddha from Chittagong in Bangladesh to Sri Lanka.The historic event took place in 2007. I penned my thoughts some thirty-six thousand feet above The Indian Ocean while the Sacred Relics were flown. What I wrote was published in The Daily Mirror a few days later.  

One such moment that will have a lasting effect on my life is the day I helped orchestrate the relocation of the Sacred Hair Relics of the Buddha from Chittagong in Bangladesh to Sri Lanka

My circumstances have completely changed during the past ten years. I don’t reside in Dhaka, Bangladesh any longer. I’m not writing this from an air conditioned office in the thick humidity of a summery Colombo day, but rather on a very gloomy Melbourne winter night where the temperature hovers around a bearable 10 oC. I have swapped cold ice coffee for a hot chocolate to keep myself warm. Although a lot has changed during the past ten years, one thing that remains the same in my life is the centrality of the Sacred Hair Relics of the Buddha. What was started as a simple request from me to the Bangladesh Buddhist Association on the advice of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Senanayake Aramaya in Madampe, Keerthi Senanayake, has today become  a lifelong devotion.  

When the plan came to fruition and the Sacred Relics were successfully brought to Gangaramaya Temple, Colombo, besides the personal sense of fulfillment, the opportunity to let hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankan devotees pay homage to the Sacred Relics made me overwhelmed with emotion. Now, this fall in the second week of September, tens of thousands of devotees are yet again earning an opportunity to pay their respects to these relics. Though it is the 10th anniversary of the arrival of the Sacred Relics to Sri Lanka it also coincides with the eightieth birthday of my beloved mother, an individual of utmost purity, simplicity and devotion, without whom I wouldn’t have been what I am today.  

What I learned from my initiative to bring the Scared Relics to Sri Lanka is the power of intention that if the intentions are noble and pure one can always be successful in whatever one aspires to achieve. I feel it is my duty and responsibility to make sure every Sri Lankan from all walks of life is given every opportunity to see and pay homage to the Sacred Hair Relics. Therefore I cordially invite all my fellow countrymen to join us in the exposition of Scared Relics of Buddha at Athkanda Raja MahaViharaya in Kurunegala.  

I would like to take this opportunity to pay homage to Ven.Galaboda Gnanessara Thero, the Chief Incumbent at Hunupitiya GangaramayaTemple and his deputy, Venerable Dr. Kirinde Assaji Thero for their guidance and assistance extended to us throughout these years in matters pertaining to the Sacred Relics. Besides I bow my head with a great sense of gratitude to Ven. Anamaduwe Rathanapala Buddharakkitha Thero, the Anunayaka Thero of the Asgiriya Chapter and Ven. Weerapokune Sumangala Thero of Athkanda Raja Maha Viharaya for coordinating the exposition in Kurunegala. I would also thank my family for provided me with unconditional support in organizing the event.  

May the merits of this noble deed bless Mother Lanka and may it assure many more years of good health and happiness to my mother.  

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