Conference on Sri Lankan Languages and Literature     Follow

The Gratiaen Trust will hold a conference titled Corpora, Archives and Performance: A Conference on Sri Lankan Languages and Literature organized by the Department of English, the University of Colombo on November 13 and 14.  

The event will feature presentations on the work of Sri Lankan writers such as Arun Welendawe Prematilleke, the late Jean Arasanayagam, and Ayathurai Santhan, who have either won or been shortlisted for the Gratiaen Prize.  

There will be a presentation on literary judging itself.  

The conference will also include the official launch of the International Corpus of English -Sri Lanka (ICE-SL), several papers on language, socio-linguistics, and the digital humanities. A performance installation by the students of the University of Colombo DramSoc will also be an interesting feature.  
Conference registration is open to the public.   


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