Artistes on the political ramp     Follow


The political stage is getting heated by the day as many faces continue to pledge their support for existing parties and new alliances. Recently several artistes, both veteran and amateur too pledged their support to various candidates and even went to express their views on the political stage. 
Hence, a few of them shared their views with the  on why they decided to support a particular candidate.

“After four and half years we have realised that this Government has failed us,” said actress Anusha Damayanthi who recently addressed a gathering during a Pohottuwa campaign. “The war ended under the Rajapaksa regime and people saw how the country developed. Under the Yahapalana regime the bond scam took place. National security is of utmost importance for all citizens, but they failed to establish it. On the other hand forests were cleared and water resources wasted. Therefore I decided to support Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s campaign.”
When asked if they have a plan to improve the cinema industry she replied positively. “During the Rajapaksa regime concepts like the Ranminithenna Cinema Village were introduced, but nobody made proper use of it. We hope that we would receive more perks and benefits under a Pohottuwa regime.” 

Expecting more benefits under a Pohottuwa regime 

: Anusha




“I support Sajith Premadasa because I believe in him,” said veteran singer Chandrika Siriwardena. “Although people say that the present Government didn’t do much work, they have done quite a lot without much fanfare. Sajith is someone who walks the talk and therefore we are confident that he would ensure a proper leadership. He is even going to introduce a women’s charter and a separate policy for artistes.”

Speaking to the , actress and writer Nadie Kammallaweera said that the NPP has presented a set of policies that could be adopted to save this country and make it a liveable country where its citizens are treated equally with respect. “I am very happy about the policies NPP has put forward, with regard to the economy, education, environment, gender rights, etc.  They talk about establishing the rule of law and building understanding among the different ethnic/religious communities in order to make sure that the country is secure.  I admire Anura Kumara Dissanayake for bravely talking about the massive corruptions and crimes committed by the rulers. He pledges that he will eliminate corruption from this country and he puts forward a plan explaining how it can be done. I think he can do it, and I believe in his integrity. He is clean. NPP has a clear understanding on what happened to our country and why we are in this pathetic situation at present. They have a vision to lead the country and make a real change.”

UNP has done quite a lot of work without much fanfare 

: Chandrika


She said that she strongly believes that a change is needed. “We need clean, wise people with integrity as the rulers of this country. I believe that Anura Kumara is the best candidate at this presidential election. I am proudly extending my support to him with a great hope for my country’s future.”

Although the JVP has a history of abducting and killing artistes, Nadie said that she could comment on it if the names of such artistes or activists were revealed. “Nothing has been legally testified, and, most of the murders carried out by the Government and other underground groups have been credited to the JVP account. This is a known truth.  Anyway, I have always expressed my condemnation about JVP choosing violence in the past. But during the past two decades, the JVP has significantly embraced democratic politics. They have been working rigorously to protect democratic values in this country. They have consistently fought for people’s rights and attempted to fight undemocratic moves of previous rulers.” 
“I am convinced about Anura Kumara Disanayake. In this election he is the NPP’s candidate, not JVP candidate. As I said, NPP has a great vision to build this country. It is a long-term plan. It takes time. But we are on the correct path. I have confidence in the huge potential of NPP and its candidate AKD. Therefore definitely artistes will benefit by supporting NPP.”

Most state-sponsored murders were put into the JVP account

 : Nadie



Pledging his support to National People’s Party candidate General Mahesh Senanayake, veteran actor Kamal Addaraarachchi said that he tried to support the existing Government which had failed. “Ordinary people support opposition parties looking for alternatives, but successive governments have failed them. I tried to help the existing Government by contesting from the UNP, but then I realised that this is not the solution I was looking for. Then I got pushed into a different trade. From being an artiste I entered the canned fish business. Then the Government started importing canned fish and crippled the industry. From my experience I could say that this Government has never supported the local entrepreneur. Therefore I realised that party politics will never benefit this country and that nothing will work other than a new set of people. A set of people who are educated and have a background in what they are doing is needed. People in Parliament are fighting to implement their own agendas. If they are getting a duty-free permit and all other perks and benefits they will be happy.”

This Government never supported the local entrepreneur

 : Kamal


He further said that he’s proud of the fact that he is supporting people who have a vision to save the country. When asked if a candidate contesting from a new party other than the two major parties would succeed he opined that people have started overestimating themselves. “Many people in Sri Lanka live with egoistic mindsets. Mahinda Rajapaksa won a war, but he took the economy for granted. Projects like Mattala and Hambantota port didn’t have proper business plans. As a result they had to sell them off to foreign entities. So Mahesh Senanayake looks like the only hope with a new vision for the country.”


  • On the other hand forests were cleared and water resources wasted. Therefore I decided to support Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s campaign
  • Although people say that the present Government didn’t do much work, they have done quite a lot without much fanfare
  • I admire Anura Kumara Dissanayake for bravely talking about the massive corruptions and crimes committed by the rulers
  • As a result they had to sell them off to foreign entities. So Mahesh Senanayake looks like the only hope with a new vision for the country​



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