An Affable religious leader who espoused the cause for tolerance and peace

NCCSL grieves the demise of Most Ven. Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera

Issuing a statement on the death of the Supreme Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Nikaya, the Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera, the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) yesterday said that the sad news comes especially at the time when the country is at a cross road needing leaders of such stature in its arduous journey of reconciliation, peace and healing. Following is the full statement;


Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera

The NCCSL is deeply saddened by the news of the demise of the Supreme Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Nikaya- the Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera, especially at the time when the country is at a cross road needing leaders of such stature in its arduous journey of reconciliation, peace and healing.   

Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera was an affable religious leader, who in espousing the cause for tolerance and peace, provided the much-needed leadership for religious and ethnic harmony in our land with his close association with the NCCSL.   

At this time of great loss, The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka, whilst offering its condolences to the Amarapura Nikaya and the people of the country, prays that the legacy of the Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera will continue to bear fruit in the hearts and minds of all of us as citizens of Mother Lanka.  

May the Most Venerable Aggamaha Panditha Maha Nayake Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thera, attain  blissful Nirvana.   

 The statement is signed by the leaders of the member churches  Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, Chairperson of the NCCSL and President, Methodist Church of Sri Lanka, Rt. Rev. Keerthisiri Fernando, Bishop of Kurunegala, Church of Ceylon, Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo, Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon, Rt. Rev. Daniel Thiyagarajah, Bishop of Jaffna, Church of South India, Rev. Heshan De Silva, President, Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya, Rev. Shirley Faber, President, Christian Reformed Church, Rev. Saman Perera, Moderator, Presbytery of Lanka, Col. Nihal Hettiarachchi, Territorial Commander, Salvation Army of Sri Lanka, Rev. Dr. Chrisso Handy, General Superintendent / Chairperson, Assemblies of God of Ceylon, Rev. George Niranjan, Acting President, Foursquare Gospel Church  ,Rev. Maxwell Doss, General Secretary, National Christian Council of Sri Lanka and member ecumenical organisations, Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)  ,Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), Student Christian Movement (SCM)  ,The Ceylon Bible Society, Christian Literature Society, Theological College of Lanka, Back to the Bible Broadcast.

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