The barriers to obtaining     Follow


By thusitha malalasekara

Vitamin D is considered an important vitamin which helps in the growth of teeth and bones. It is difficult to obtain vitamin D from food due to the fact that those rich in the vitamin are limited. Therefore, according to nutritionists, various types of food, from dairy products to pre-processed foods and beverages have been enriched with the addition of vitamin D. It is mentioned on the packets of these foods that they contain vitamin D.   

However, there is a simple way of obtaining vitamin D for those living in tropical countries, where there is abundant sunlight. This is through UV rays which are known to be radioactive and which cannot be seen with the naked eye. These radioactive rays produce the necessary vitamin in the body after absorbing them through the skin, through a complex process connected to the liver and kidneys of the body. However, a sufficient quantity of vitamin D may not be found in certain people because there are other factors which control the production of vitamin D.   

Colour of the skin:   
The colour of one’s skin depends on the melanin content. Dark skin is the result of excessive melanin content. Fair-complexioned people do not have a high melanin content. According to research, a large quantity of ultra-violet rays are necessary for those with very dark skin to produce vitamin D. Therefore, those with dark skin should go out in the sunlight more than those who are fair-skinned.

Warmth of the skin:   
Warm skin produces more vitamin D than cool skin. Therefore, the quantity of vitamin D produced during the warm season is more than that of a cold day.   

The person’s age:   
People who suffer from vitamin D deficiency are mainly older adults because their aged skin is incapable of producing the relevant absorption efficiently in the sunlight.   

Air pollution:   
Carbon particles released from vehicles, through the burning of garbage and through gas emitted from factories are able to absorb and scatter ultra-violet radioactive rays. Therefore, the skin may not receive a sufficient quantity of rays for the production of vitamin D.   

The person’s body weight:   
Certain research points out that the vitamin D content in obese persons is less. It can be concluded that vitamin D content is less due to obesity.   

Skin ointments:   
Many people, especially youngsters, go out in the sunlight only after applying various creams such as sunscreen. As a result of this, the production of ultra-violet rays falling on the skin will decrease.  

Liver and kidney health:   

When the liver is healthy, the liquid that is produced by the liver obstructs the absorption of vitamin D as the production of bile is less. Some liver diseases obstruct the vitamin D conversion. Meanwhile, when the kidneys become sick, the body is unable to get the required content of vitamin D. This is why vitamin D is given to the patients who suffer from kidney failure.

Courtesy: Lankadeepa

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