Passages and remedies     Follow


Each home design is unique and different, based on the shape and size of the property. 

There are narrow homes which create an effect of a tunnel and there are homes which are deep and long , the point to consider from Feng Shui perspective is the flow of energy into the home. 

To ensure proper distribution of energy, it’s always essential to consider the shape and design of the building in order that it is not dissipating the flow of energy called Chi. Also ample care has to be taken to ensure that the circulating energy referred to as Chi is neither rushing or is stagnating. Long corridors and passages are of concern and great care is taken to ensure that such areas are properly treated and aids the movement of energy.
Long corridors are often found to have a strong influence on sibling rivalry especially when all their bedroom doors open into a long corridor. It is said that from the Feng Shui perspective it is akin to many “mouths” created by the doors leading on to the corridor causing arguments and irritation amongst siblings.


Long corridors are often found to have a strong influence on sibling rivalry especially when all doors open into it...

Even long corridors leading from the lobby to various rooms or rooms at the far end of the passage are considered bad as the energy flow is not in balance. Occupants of rooms in such a long corridor in a family is worse when their room doors face each other generating animosity and a feel of confrontation.

Such situations in an existing home can be countered using simple yet effective Feng Shui techniques without having to reconstruct or re-design the rooms and the doors. In other words, creating a pathways which is aiding proper flow of energy and also distracting the energy along the corridor to diffuse the feel of confrontation and rivalry, would be necessary.


Simple remedies to counter the afflictions are:-

  • Have some natural light shining into the hallway, you would be wise to cleverly position mirrors to maximize light throughout the home.
  • However, if there is a door located at the end of the hallway, you must be careful on the mirror’s positioning, as you could reduce the Feng Shui energy when entering a bedroom, as you can block some much-needed light.
  • Colourful art and posters can provide a stagnant space with positive energy. 
  • The best way to achieve good Feng Shui is by carefully choosing colours for your long, narrow hallway. Do not paint with colours that can make a small space appear even smaller, and consider the size and shape of the hallway to pick the best shades for the space. 
  • Place potted tall indoor plants in the passage to enhance the flow of Chi and create a feeling of peace. Plants with rounded leaves are best suited for 
  • such areas.
  • Hang décor or a piece of art which depicts harmony and peace on the walls between the doors looking into 
  • the passage.
  • Bright lights and crystals along the passage and on the door frames would diffuse the bad Chi.
  • Controlling the flow of  Chi is most important as fast moving energy is harmful and negative and at the same time lack of energy flow symbolizes stagnation and an uneasy calm.

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