My island can stand strong     Follow

As dawn breaks over my isle
The pall of gloom feels heavy
The sadness of the night is still over my isle
As people struggle with hearts that are heavy
Millenia of history we boast
Of a culture rich and diverse
But hollow are those empty boasts
Thanks to people from across the divide whose ideology is too diverse.
A once tolerant nation
Who welcomed people with adoration
Stands divided, fallen and full of frustration
Thanks to power hungry leaders of our divided nation
The wisdom of our ancestors
Which coursed through our veins unending 
Now replaced with droplets of tyranny and misunderstanding 
Has paved the way for crisies unending.
Not in my name are these battles being fought
For I am for peace and an island less fraught
Warmongers and racists please take flight
And let us peacemakers in these dark days scatter some light.
My island can stand strong
If the people unite and cast away wrong
Let's work together to become united and strong
To create a land of prosperity where all beings can belong.

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