UNP blames Govt. for colossal failure during UNHRC sessions

The United National Party (UNP) yesterday blamed the Government for the colossal failure it had to face during the recent UNHRC sessions in Geneva.

Speaking to media at Sirikotha, UNP Chairman Vajira Abeywardena, stated that it was the Government’s decision to withdraw from the previous resolution, which was co-sponsored by Sri Lanka, that resulted in the fresh resolution. 

Under the UNP Government in 2015, the country co-sponsored a resolution that had the unanimous support of the council. The current Government reversed that decision and left us with only the support of 11 countries.

He further explained that it was Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2009, who entered into an agreement with the then UN Secretary General. 

“Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa undertook a joint agreement with former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, something which no Sri Lankan President has done before. It is now the duty of the Government to uphold the obligations the former President signed”, he explained.  

Elaborating on the decision of the UNP- led Government to co-sponsor a resolution, the Party Chairman explained that the UNP was simply adhering to the conditions the former President agreed to on behalf of the country.

“According to the resolution sponsored by the UNP Government, Sri Lanka would adhere to a domestic mechanism. We did not agree to any foreign involvement, beyond observers,” he explained.

Questioning the Government on their position, the Chairman asked what domestic mechanism they would follow.

“Under the UNP Government, it was the local courts which would investigate the allegations of war crimes and decide on the innocence or guilt of those accused. This Government has rejected that procedure by withdrawing from the resolution, they must now explain what domestic mechanism they would adhere to”, he asked.

He further explained that it was because of the UNP’s ability to positively engage with the international community, the country regained the GSP+ from the EU in 2017. The present Government has until 2023 to win back the confidence of the international community before the GSP+ comes up for renewal. (Yohan Perera)

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