Opposition attacking set of policies that will prosper Sri Lanka one day: Prez

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said the opposition was attacking the very set of policies that would prosper the country someday.

“The development  program must move forward, fulfilling the expectations of the upholding the faith people placed on this government. The  strategies and the programs of the government should be implemented appropriately to address the people’s issues”  President stressed. 

The President made these remarks during a discussion with the provincial representatives held at the Diyatha Uyana  premises in Battaramulla. Provincial representatives from Western, North Western and Southern Provinces  were present at the discussion. 

Your commitment should be towards highlighting the policies of the government not to promote individuals in the  government. If these policies fail, the country will inevitably be in shambles once again. The President said that the similar  support and commitment given to bring the government into power is expected for the progress of the policies and programs  of the government. 

The main objective of the “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” National Policy Framework is to eradicate poverty and bring  prosperity to people. The government is striving hard to eradicate poverty and uplift the impoverished. The President said  that steps will be taken within the next 05 years to eradicate poverty in rural areas and elevate the living standards of the  people. 

The provincial representatives have a broad understanding into the problems of the people. President Rajapaksa added that  this understanding would be useful in implementing the rural development program and asked them to supervise not only  politically but in administration as well. 

The Opposition is carrying out various false propaganda regarding the government's development programme. The President  also instructed the provincial representatives to go to the villages and see the development activities carried out there to  correct this false propaganda.  

No matter what anyone says, the government is paying its special attention int protecting the environment. The President  recalled that a number of important decisions have been taken for the protection of the environment including increasing the  use of renewable energy to 70% by 2030, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers by 25% every year and banning the  cultivation of Palm Oil (Katu Pol) .  

Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, National Organizer of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), said that it is planned to launch the  third phase of the 'Pura Neguma' project implemented with the assistance of the World Bank, which will address many of the  shortcomings of provincial institutes. 

He said that the issue of lack of machinery including heavy vehicles needed for the provincial institutes will be resolved by the  end of this year. He also said that steps have been taken to increase the funds allocated for community organizations. 

Minister of Public Services, Provincial Councils & Local Government Janaka Bandara Tennakoon, Minister Prasanna  Ranatunga, State Ministers Roshan Ranasinghe, D.V. Chanaka, MPs Udeni Athukorala, Sumith Udukumbura, Sagara  Kariyawasam, Milan Jayathilake, Madura Vithanage, Jayantha Ketagoda and Sudath Manjula were also present. 

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