Opp. urges Govt. to table Yugadanavi agreement in parliament before Friday

The Opposition today raised concerns that the agreement which the government has signed with New Fortress Energy pertaining to the Yugadanavi power plant has not been presented in parliament as promised by Power and Renewable Energy Minister Gamini Lokuge.

National People’s Power MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake told parliament that when he requested the Government to present the agreement in parliament some six weeks ago, the Power Minister assured the House that the agreement would be presented in Parliament the following week.

“It has not been tabled in Parliament even after six weeks now. The committee stage debate of the Finance Ministry is scheduled for this Friday. This agreement should be presented in the House before Friday so that we can discuss it during Friday's debate,” he said.

The MP said the country should know when a common agreement on the country was reached and added that they learnt that the agreement hasn't  been presented to the cabinet recently despite assurance to do so as an attachment.

Former Prime Minister MP Ranil Wickremesinghe said documents on public finance should be presented in Parliament and requested the Speaker to order the Finance Ministry Secretary to submit the agreement in Parliament.

“If you give an order to the Finance Ministry Secretary to submit it today, we can get it by tomorrow. How can we debate without the agreement?,” he asked.

Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardhane said he would inform the relevant Ministers regarding the matter.

Leader of the House Dinesh Gunawardene said he would remind the Power Minister to present it in Parliament and alleged that the previous Government did not present any documents in Parliament when they requested to do so.(Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera)

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