More harmless minor tremors may occur in future: Pera. Uni. Geology Dept.

Considering yesterday's tremor, the Peradeniya University Geology Department said more minor tremors could be possible in future, but not at higher magnitude.

They said due to the breaking up of the Indo-Australian tectronic plate, it is likely to have such tremors for a certain period of time.

We cannot witness any turbulence that could be seen in the seawater surface due to the quake that occurs in deep sea bed, but more quakes could be felt due to the breaking of the tectronic plate.

But right now, it's immature to say that quakes with higher magnitude would occur, the Department said.

"The tremors would not cause any danger to the country," they said.

A tremor measuring 4 magnitudes on the Richter scale was reported yesterday about 28km south of the sea off Paanama. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)

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