MP or not, Basil should get a powerful role: Amaraweera

Irrespective of whether Basil Rajapaksa becomes a parliament member or not, he should be given a responsible and powerful position in the new Gotabaya Rajapaksa government to be formed after the general election, Minister and UPFA General Secretary Mahinda Amaraweera said yesterday.

He told the media at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute last morning that the new government must use the experience, shrewdness and prudence of Mr. Basil Rajapaksa to direct the government in the right path.

“The political sagacity and organizing capabilities of Basil are unquestionable. The birth of the SLNPP and the SLPP is his making. The current enthusiasm among SLNPP supporters is also his work. Therefore, he must necessarily hold a key position in the new government,” he stressed.

Minister Amaraweera said he was aware that Mr. Rajapaksa was not keen to contest the General election nor enter Parliament and added he had many avenues to serve the people.

‘If Chandrika is ready to make amends for her political mistakes we have no problem in accepting her back to our fold and offer her a position in the alliance or the party,” he said.

In reply to a journalist, Minister Amaraweera said the SLPP, SLNPP, UPFA or the SLFP were ready to accept back not only former President Chandrika Kumaratunga but also her son Vimukthi or even Rohana Wijeweera’s son Uvindu if they wished to enter politics.

In response to another query, Minister Amaraweera said the government was closely monitoring the fluctuating global oil prices and added if the oil prices continue to drop, the government would pass the benefit to the consumer by bringing down fuel prices. (Sandun A Jayasekera)

Pix by Kithsiri de Mel

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