Cabinet approves retirement benefits for Prez

The Cabinet is reported to have approved retirement benefits for President Maithripala Sirisena, his security arrangements by the Special Task Force (STF) and the other facilities provided to the former heads of State.

He is expected to retire no sooner the new president is sworn in on the day after the presidential election on November 16.

Retired presidents are entitled to housing, vehicle and staff facilities. On the basis of yesterday's Cabinet decision, President Sirisena, on his retirement, will be entitled to use his official residence at Paget Road, Colombo 7.

The Cabinet memo was presented by Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera.

Meanwhile, the decision to accord STF security to the President during retirement was based on the threat to his life over his efforts in combatting drug trafficking.

Foreign Affairs Minister Tilak Marapana suggested that former president Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga should also be provided STF security.

Minister Samaraweera did disagreed saying Ms. Kumaratunga had no such security threats. (Kelum Bandara)

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