Action against perpetrators impersonating as President's associates: PMD

The President's Media Division (PMD) yesterday warned the people to be aware of individuals who promise perks including job appointments and tenders by impersonating as close associates of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

In a statement, the PMD said it has been brought to its notice that some deceitful personnel and groups show that they are close associates of the President and attempt to get hold of undue benefits from the people by deceiving them.

“This personnel deceive the people by promising various job appointments, posts and tenders etc. Some even have said that they have influence over the President. The President's unwavering policy is following standard procedures at all times. No one can influence the President to get appointments, tenders etc violating procedures," the statement said.

It said stern legal action will be taken against the perpetrators who attempt to deceive and swindle the public by misusing the President's name and warned people to be aware of such personnel.

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