Predicting mental and physical defects     Follow

Some individuals are born with certain mental defects or physical defects, deformities or malformations.  One cannot help one’s congenital mental or physical defects. One should try to cope with such defects oneself. 

Meanwhile, some individuals incur mental and physical defects due to accidents or other unforeseen circumstances. Here comes the usefulness of Astrology. For a competent astrologer by carefully studying one’s Natal Chart is able to predict whether one is due to suffer a mental illness or a physical defect like blindness, deafness, dumbness or some other physical deformity.  However, Astrology is not a science that says what is predicted cannot be prevented. Astrology is there to help one to prevent such a personal calamity by forewarning for taking necessary precautions.  Now let us get familiar with planetary combinations or positions that indicate mental and physical defects that one is likely to suffer sooner or later.

Readers also should remember in this context that the malefic planets responsible for causing mental and physical defects acquire the power to inflict such defects on the native during their Maha Dasas and Antar Dasas and also when they are transiting the Dusthana or evil Houses in the Horoscope.   


Blindness, defective vision or eye disease
If born into Leo Lagna while being aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native would go blind.
When Mars and Saturn are posited in the 9th House when an eclipsed Sun is in the Lagna the native would become blind. 
Blindness is indicated if the Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn are posited in the 2nd, 8th, 6th and 12th Houses at birth.
If born into Leo Lagna which is aspected by Venus, the native would suffer eye disease which could lead to blindness. 
Native can go blind if the Sun and Rahu occupy the Lagna and Mars and Saturn are posited in trines. 
If the Sun posited either in the 9th or the 5th     House is aspected by malefics only the native would suffer from defective vision.


If the Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn are posited in the 3rd, 5th, 9th and the 11th   the native would 
become deaf.


Physical deformities
If born into Cancer Lagna, when the Moon is receiving the malefics aspect of both Saturn and Mars, native would be a hunch- back.
Moon in the 10th, Mars in the 7th and Saturn in the 2nd sign from the Sun at birth cause deformed limbs.

If the Moon occupies the Sun’s Hora and is aspected by Saturn the native would become lame. 


Jupiter in the Lagna and Mars the 7th could make the native insane.
Saturn in the Lagna while Mars is either in the 5th or the 9th would make the native insane. 


If the Sun posited either in the 5th or the 9th is aspected by only malefics, Rahu posited in the Lagna and the Moon in the 6th, the native would become an epileptic.
Rahu posited in the Lagna and Saturn in the would make the native an epileptic. 


Other physical problems
If Mars and Venus occupy 7th House while being aspected by a malefic, the native would suffer from a diseased kidney. He would come to a premature death after a period of suffering from kidney and bladder troubles. 

If born when the Moon posited in the Lagna hemmed in by Saturn and Mars while the Sun is in the 7th, the native would suffer from Leukoderma.  The native would suffer from this skin disease even when the Moon is in the Lagna hemmed in by Saturn and Mars.

When the Moon is afflicted by malefics while being aspected by or associated with the lord of the 6th or the 8th House, the native would have cancer.

If the lord of the 8th House is weak and is posited in the 6th, 8th or the 12th atrophy is caused.

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