Corbyn accuses Johnson of ‘Thatcherism on steroids’     Follow

Jeremy Corbyn has accused Boris Johnson of trying to ‘hijack’ the UK’s departure from the European Union to unleash ‘Thatcherism on steroids’ as he claimed Labour would resolve Brexit in six months.  

Setting out Labour’s Brexit policy in a speech in the swing seat of Harlow in Essex this morning, Corbyn claimed Johnson wanted to ‘sell out’ the NHS in a post-Brexit trade deal with the US and ‘strip away’ the rights of workers - accusations fiercely denied by the Tories.   

He tried to seize control of Johnson’s Brexit message of ‘get Brexit done’ as he said a Labour government would ‘get Brexit sorted’ by the middle of next year.   

However, he failed to rule out the possibility of revoking Article 50 as the potential price of forming a coalition with the Liberal Democrats if there is a hung Parliament.Labour is campaigning in the run up to the election on December 12 on a platform of staying neutral on Brexit.   

If Corbyn becomes PM he would then negotiate a new divorce deal with the EU before facilitating a second referendum.   

That referendum would pitch Corbyn’s Brexit deal against Remain and Labour would decide which way to campaign in the weeks leading up to the 
national ballot.   

Corbyn also used the speech to sound the alarm about what he believes are the risks of doing a trade deal with the US as he claimed it would likely lead to lower food standards which could mean maggots and rat hairs in produce. 
Daily Mail, 5 Nov, 2019

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