Sulaiman’s Hospital outsources lab services to LHD     Follow


Sulaiman’s Hospital recently announced its decision to outsource its laboratory services to Lanka Hospitals Diagnostics (LHD), the pioneers in providing high-quality medical laboratory services to patients and the doctors.  
LHD, a subsidiary of Lanka Hospitals Corporation PLC, has a proven track record of delivering outstanding medical laboratory services and places a high emphasis on accuracy of laboratory reports.  
With the growing complexity and increasingly diverse laboratory tests necessary, Sulaiman’s Hospitals understands the benefits of entrusting its laboratory work to a reliable service provider.  
LHD was selected as it has the distinct honour of being Sri Lanka’s first Medical Reference Laboratory and being the laboratory service with the largest test menu in the country.  
 “We are delighted that we have added another feather in our cap and appreciate that Sulaiman Hospital, Colombo has decided to outsource their lab services to Lanka Hospitals Diagnostics. We are committed to offering a service par excellence by assuring quality, reliability and promptitude” said Lanka Hospitals Diagnostics Chairman Dr.SarathParanavitane.  
Commenting on the decision to outsource its lab work, Sulaiman’s Hospital Colombo Managing Director F.M. Jaffer noted, “We have been running our lab for the past 75 years. With our need to focus more on patient care we have decided to outsource our lab work to Lanka Hospitals Diagnostics, the leader in the medical laboratory services in the country. LHD is respected for its commitment in providing the highest quality and efficient medical laboratory services using the most advanced technology and best-in-class procedures.” 
“Today our patients can benefit from the extensive range of tests that can be done via the in-house LHD Lab with the assurance of high-quality services, timely and reliable results at affordable prices,” he added. 
For the convenience of patients, laboratory tests done at Sulaiman’s Hospital, LHD has extended its online report downloading facility in addition to providing the reports from the Sulaiman’s Hospital.  Customers could download their lab report by simply logging-in to LHD website, Sulaiman’s Hospital patients will receive an SMS when the report is ready and will have secured access to check the report online via the LHD website.  
“Our partnership with Sulaiman’s Hospitals helps LHD for a lasting relationship with patients, increasing the benefits to society arising from our work,” said LHD Director Professor Dilani Lokuhetty. “We are committed to serving our patients well and continue to make investments in people, processes, equipment and IT infrastructure to deliver the trusted outcomes with the highest integrity and standards,” she stated. 

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