Quantum Leap presents ‘Practical Strategic Planning’ workshop

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Quantum Leap Training which is focused on crafting human solutions for organisations and professionals in different spheres in Sri Lanka presents its much looked forward to workshop, “Practical Strategic Planning” focused on taking organizations to the next level of performance through effective strategizing techniques today (June 3rd) at the Galadari Hotel. 
Conducted by Strategist, Change agent, Proven contemporary Practitioner and Master Trainer Tilan Wijeyesekera, this full-day workshop will focus on Practical Strategic Planning techniques required to make organizations more attuned to the market place dynamics which in turn would assist organizations to effectively strategize towards greater success with strong implementation and control mechanisms. Anyone interested in attending the workshop could call 0774750450 for details. 
The workshop deals with real world issues and examples faced by Sri Lankan organizations which need to be addressed in a pro-active manner with a structured approach, leaving room for greater flexibility to move with the times while creating a planning and performance management culture to bring in greater results for organizations. 
Today’s market place is changing at a rapid pace with many formerly successful organizations falling by the way-side and new champions of business emerging through greater innovations, disruptions and differentiators which are making conventional organizations irrelevant to their stakeholders changing needs. A new breed of entrepreneurs in the form of start-ups are also immerging but suffer from lack of practical experience which keeps the success rate of ventures quite low. While the market attuned new age businesses strike a chord amongst their customers and challenge the conventional giants of business, while the others fail to make the mark. 
In the same vein, mid and large scale established businesses continue to do business in ‘the same way they’ve been doing business for years’ and expect to be successful in the future with the strategies that have worked for them in the past. However not realizing until it’s too late with the loss of significant market share and profitability that the market had shifted with changes in both macro as well as micro environments. This program will focus on how the established organizations, products, services and brands need to consolidate on their performance while having the flexibility of rethinking their business strategies to stay relevant in the market place. It would also focus on helping the new age business leaders and start-up heads to understand the requirement to plan AND implement more effectively whilst understanding the business and market place realities by not letting the emotions and passions overrun practicality. Disruption is great but it must not be too far ahead of the curve and must onboard its stakeholders at the correct time, in the correct manner for the correct results to emerge.
Quantum Leap is a customer-centric organization focused on fulfilling individuals’, teams’ and organizations’ fullest potential through various structured as well a customized programs including training and consultancy. QL’s Strategic Advisory Board comprises Amithe Gamage, Kapila Dodamgoda and Tilan Wijeyesekera. Quantum Leap Training is powered by the best resource persons both within and outside the country from diverse fields and professions ranging from Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Strategic Planning, Service delivery, HR, Value Chain etc, who are specially handpicked to deliver greater results in public workshops and customised corporate training programs as well as consultancy projects. The ethos of Quantum Leap is to source the best resources to deliver the best possible customized solutions to its clients in order to ensure optimum performance and greater results. 
Tilan Wijeyesekera is a Strategist, Change agent, Practitioner, Mentor and Trainer with a proven track record in leading local and multinationals in General Management, Strategic Planning, Marketing/Branding and value chain management in diverse industries including FMCG, Banking, F&B, Insurance and Education and leading brands / organizations including Seylan, John Keells, Elephant House, Janashakthi, Lion Beer etc. He’s also the Business Excellence Gold Award winning Past President of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM). Winner of over 25 awards including Marketing Professional of the year, Brand Builder of the Year and his brands have won many awards for Branding, Innovation, Service and Digital Marketing. 


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