Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus requests Speaker Establish Parliamentary Committee to inquire into injustices against women

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By Yohan Perera 

The Women Parliamentarians Caucus has requested the Speaker to establish a Parliamentary Committee to inquire into the injustices and malpractices taking place against Women in Sri Lanka.

This was revealed by Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus chairperson and State Minister Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, in Parliament yesterday. She made this statement following a meeting of the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus held in Parliament yesterday.

“With the approval of the Speaker, the establishment of this Committee is expected to be announced on March 9 in line with International Women’s Day,” the chairperson said. Ms. Fernandopulle stressed the need for a Parliamentary Committee with full powers to investigate various forms of violence, discrimination against women, as well as the impedances pertaining to the women in their professions.




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