US notes importance of accountability     Follow

  • strength of US-SL partnership was on display following 2019 Easter Sunday attacks

By Easwaran Rutnam   

The United States noted the importance of accountability in Sri Lanka saying it will foster long term stability and prosperity.  

A top US diplomat also emphasized on the importance of the US relationship with Sri Lanka saying the country is a valued partner in the Indo-Pacific region.  

Speaking to journalist yesterday (Wednesday) in an online press conference, outgoing US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Alice Wells said that the strength of the partnership between the US and Sri Lanka was on display following the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks.  
“The United States offered full support to the immediate manhunt, the long-term rebuilding and sustained counter-terrorism efforts,” she said. She also noted the importance of the Sri Lankan government’s advancing justice, accountability, reconciliation and human rights will foster long term stability and prosperity.  


US offered full support to the immediate manhunt, the long-term rebuilding and sustained counter-terrorism efforts



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