SL bomber had Australian visa: Aussie PM     Follow

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed that one of the suicide bombers involved in the Sri Lankan bombings had spent time in Australia, Nine News Australia said yesterday. 

He said the man was not granted another visa after leaving Australia more than six years ago.   “I can confirm that the suicide bomber had been in Australia. He departed in early 2013. That individual had been here on a student and a graduate skilled visa,” Mr Morrison told reporters in Townsville on Thursday. “That individual had been here some years ago and had a spouse and child visa at that time as well but they had not returned to Australia.”  

State Minister of Defence, Ruwan Wijewardene said on Wednesday the bomber had spent time in Australia.  “We believe one of the suicide bombers studied in the UK and maybe later on did his post-graduate (degree) in Australia before returning to settle in Sri Lanka,” he told a media conference.   He confirmed Australian intelligence agencies were helping with the investigation, alongside Interpol and British authorities. 



 I can confirm that the suicide bomber had been in Australia. He departed  in early 2013. That individual had been here on a student and a  graduate skilled visa  



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