SJB says releasing contaminated oil to the market is risky

  • Requests Govt. to import clean edible coconut oil and distribute during festive season

By Yohan Perera 

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) over the weekend questioned the practicality of the move by the government to subject stocks of contaminated coconut oil for refining and then releasing it to the market and highlighted that it is still risky. 

 SJB MP Harshana Rajakaruna told a press conference on Saturday that importing clean  edible coconut oil is a more effective move. “Is it possible to refine coconut oil in the same way as in the case of crude oil which is converted to petrol, diesel and kerosene?,” he questioned. 

“We request the government to import clean edible coconut oil if necessary and distribute them in the market during the festive season. “Will the people have a bright new year with all these developments?,” he also questioned. 

On a different note, the MP said he is willing to take anyone including government MPs on a tour in Gampaha and show them where illegal soil and sand dredging is taking place and where illegal quarries are located. “All people will have to join a vast struggle to safeguard the environment before long,” he added. 

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