Ruwan speaks of mindset of present younger generation     Follow

By Yohan Perera   

Gone are the days when the younger generation identified themselves as UNPers or SLFPers as they have become more concerned about the behaviour of politicians and are drawn towards those who could offer proper leadership, UNP Deputy Leader Ruwan Wijewardene said yesterday.  

Speaking at a meeting of UNP members from Ratnapura at Sirikotha, Mr. Wijewardene said the UNP will very soon launch a programme to attract the youth of this country.   

“ Gone are the days when the youth identified themselves as ‘ kapuwath kola or kapuwath nil’. They are now more focused on the behaviour of politicians. They look for leaders who could lead the nation towards technology driven development. Our intention is to launch a special programme to attract that youth population,” Mr. Wijewardene said.   

“ Youth have become frustrated of the new government as well because of suppressive action adopted by the present regime,” he added.   

He also said that the UNP will focus on  nurturing Muslim and Tamil Leaders who would stand for a common Sri Lankan identity. “ Such leaders have not emerged from the Muslim and Tamil political parties,” he said.     


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