Pressing issues encountered by security forces Sajith to submit Cabinet proposal today     Follow

We don’t charge money from security forces personnel though it had been the practise in the past


By Yohan Perera 

Presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa said he would submit a proposal to the Cabinet today with the intention of resolving the issues faced by security forces personnel. 

“I will put forward a proposal to help the security forces and then come up with an answer to their grievances. I believe the government should extend its maximum support to the security forces. As the Housing and Construction Minister, I have provided land to members of the security forces and assisted them in putting up residences. We don’t charge money from them though it had been the practise in the past,” he said during his visit to lend a patient hearing to the woes of disabled soldiers protesting outside Colombo Fort yesterday. 


We don’t charge money from security forces personnel though it had been the practise in the past

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