Navy rescues four Indian fishermen in Kachchativu     Follow

Four Indian fishermen, distressed aboard a trawler in the seas off Kachchativu in Jaffna, were rescued by the Sri Lanka Navy last Sunday. 

Navy said the fishing trawler and its crew had met with an accident due to the prevalent rough sea condition. 

While patrolling, a naval craft belonging to the Northern Naval Command had spotted the trawler which was adrift and immediately reached the distressed trawler and rendered technical assistance it needed. 

Navy also provided the group of fishermen with refreshments as they had been fatigued from hours of stay in rough seas. 

The fishermen aged between 37 and 60, along with the fishing trawler, were handed over to the Jaffna Fisheries Inspector for onward action. 
Navy said it would remain vigilant to render assistance to the distressed naval and fisheries community in Lankan territorial waters.   

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