Lal Wijenayake’s ULF throws its weight behind Anura Kumara     Follow

United Left Front (ULF) which is a breakaway faction of Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP) said yesterday it decided to break ranks with the United National Front (UNF) and supports the National People’s Power (NPP) presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake.  


Issuing a statement, its General Secretary Lal Wijenayake said his party, along with trade unions and civil society movements affiliated to it, would also become a party to NPP and work for the victory of Mr. Dissanayake.   

Mr. Wijenayake played a key role in the constitution making exercise and was also the chairman of the Public Representations’ Committee for Constitutional Reforms, which was commonly called the Lal Wijenayake Committee.   

He said that his party worked hard with the blessings of Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha Thera who spearheaded the National Movement for Social Justice to unseat the then repressive administration. However, he said his party could not realize the goals of scrapping executive presidency, building national reconciliation and protection of vital national assets.  
As during the Rajapaksa era, he said the country was heading for anarchy. 

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