Easter attack and incidents of political victimisation Govt. doesn’t need to hide PCoI reports : Dinesh

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By Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera   

The Government yesterday reiterated that the two final reports of the Presidential Commissions appointed to investigate into the Easter Sunday attack and the incidents of political victimisation would be submitted in Parliament soon after they were received.  

  •  Some facts of the reports are published in certain newspapers whereas the reports have not been made public

Leader of the House Dinesh Gunawardane told Parliament that the reports would be tabled in Parliament as promised and added that the Government did not want to hide them.  

He was responding to a question raised by National Peoples’ Power (NPP) Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake about the delay in presenting the two reports in Parliament.  

The MP said some facts of the reports are published in certain newspapers whereas the reports have not been made public.  

“Public funds have been spent to draft these reports. People have a right to know the content of the reports,” he said. 


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