Easter Sunday attacks We are willing to forgive those who staged the attacks - Cardinal

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  • It is important to find out  who really organised the attacks  and to determine whether any international organisation is involved

By Yohan Perera  

Whilst highlighting that Catholics are willing to forgive those who staged the Easter Sunday attacks two years ago, Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Ranjith yesterday called for setting up of new laws to prevent such mayhem in the future.  

 Speaking at the Ash Wednesday Service at St Anthony’s Church Kochchikade Colombo, Cardinal Ranjith called for enacting new laws to prevent such mayhem in the future.  
“We are willing to forgive those who staged the Easter Sunday attacks two years ago. There were killings inside this very church. We did not retaliate as Christians. There would have been a greater destruction if we did. We cannot retaliate according to Christian teachings. Jesus taught us to forgive and love those who harm us. He himself forgave those who killed him by nailing him on a cross. He prayed that those who killed him be forgiven,” the Cardinal said.  

“However it is important to find out  who really organised the April 21 attacks and to determine whether any international organisation is involved. Also it is essential to avoid such mayhem in the future and to bring in new laws to prevent such acts once again. We are not sure whether we can be satisfied with the efforts made by the authorities in this regard. Let us pray that the rulers of this country will fulfil their duty,” he added. 

Also he said any international intervention should be avoided. He made this remark by highlighting that there are international forces which are determined to create disunity among the people of this country just to fulfil their interests. 


  • It is essential to bring in new laws to prevent such acts once again
  • Any international intervention should be avoided


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