Dramatic increase in egg prices

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  • Eggs at a retail price of Rs.23.50   
  • It is a result of a rise in forage prices    
  • Govt’s intervention urgent   
  • 30% drop in daily consumption of eggs 

By Sheain Fernandopulle   

The price of eggs that plunged to their lowest level of ten rupees during the lock-down, has shot up sharply during the past few days.    

All Ceylon Egg Producers’ Association (ACEPA) President Sarath Attanayake told Daily Mirror the poultry farmers in the Northern Western Province were finding extremely difficult to supply eggs to the market because of the excessive price of forage including that of maize. 

“A kilo of maize which was sold at Rs.55 has now risen to Rs.85. It is near impossible for poultry farmers to buy maize at such exorbitant prices,” he said. “Maize is one of the main ingredients making up 45% of the feed which consists of 17.7% protein fed to hens daily. The increase price of Maize results in the rising price of eggs.” 

However, Mr.Attanayake said they distributed eggs for free among pregnant mothers and children during the curfew period. 

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