Dimuth apologizes for the incident

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Sri Lanka Test cricket captain Dimuth Karunaratne who was involved in the drunk driving accident in Borella said yesterday in a social media posting that he was very much aware that his actions were utterly unbecoming of a Sri Lankan National Cricketer and had apologized for the incident.   

In his statement which he mentioned his friends, fellow team members, cricket fans world over, all those at Sri Lanka Cricket and each and every Sri Lankan, said that he did follow the due legal process of Sri Lanka and did abide by all formalities therein required.   


The vehicle I was driving back home unfortunately met with a minor accident in Colombo

The statement said:   
You may be aware of some disturbing news which occurred last morning ! The vehicle I was driving back home unfortunately met with a minor accident in Colombo. I firstly need to apologize to the owner of the other vehicle who had a few very minor injuries and was absolutely decent in his manner to very amicably sort out the matter directly with me.   
I am very pleased to note and would like to inform all of you that he has been discharged from hospital where he was under precautionary observation and is now resting at home.   
Rest assured that my moral obligation towards his betterment and well- being will be well looked after and that’s guaranteed.   

This morning I produced myself in court and did follow the due legal process of Sri Lanka and did abide by all formalities therein required. I shall continue to assist / follow with whatever legal obligations are necessary from my end.    I am very much aware that my actions were utterly unbecoming of a Sri Lankan National Cricketer and I do apologize to all of you for this incident.   Thank you for your understanding on this matter during this tough time I am currently going through.   

Sincerely Yours,   
Dimuth Karunaratne     

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