Contenders sling mud because policies unchallengeable     Follow

  • Says his mission is to change the mudslinging political culture


By Lahiru Pothmulla 

SLPP presidential candidate Gotabaya Rajapaksa said opponents slung mud at and levelled false allegations against him because they were incapable of challenging his policies.  


  • Says opponents destroyed defence apparatus which was in place during the term of MR 


Speaking at an election rally, he said his opponents resorted to spreading false news and mudslinging because they could not win by talking about policies. 

“They remained inactive for five years, destroyed the defence apparatus which was in place during the term of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, disrupted development, destroyed local farmers, industrialists and businessmen and today try to win by resorting to false reports and mudslinging,” he said. 

He said his mission was to change the mudslinging political culture. “I have come forward to change this political culture. That’s why I didn’t comment on other people and focused on the policies and plans I’m hoping to initiate. This erroneous culture aimed at slinging mud at opponents should be changed. You should not fall prey to these reports,” he said.  

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