Cabinet Decisions

March 24

Implementation of a research project for breeding the finned fish and fresh water giant  shrimps in Sri Lankan reservoirs more productive, efficient and sustainable

March 24

  Fresh water giant shrimps farming within Sri Lanka has been identified as a promising trade with a higher potential to be developed and ensure benefits to the rural fisher community. It has been identified appropriate to conduct a scientific research since, the young shrimps are not scientifically released to the fresh water resources. 
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution submitted by the Minister of Education for implementing the said research project in conjunction with the University of Wayamba of Sri Lanka, University of Ruhuna, University of Jaffna, National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka (NAQDA), National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) and University of James Cook of Australia as well as entering into a research agreement among the applicable institutions.  
Obtaining assistance from broadcasting services for the  continuous implementation of learning   

“Guru Gedara” Educational programmes are telecast across “Channel Eye” and “Nethra” channel, covering the subjects of the school students from grades 3 to 13, to secure hustle less continuation of educational activities of the school children amidst COVID-19 pandemic circumstances. Accordingly, it has been observed of utilising broadcasting channels for those areas where telecasting of education programmes does not have the coverage. An extended number of students gain the opportunity to listen to the educational programmes when the educational programmes are broadcast across broadcasting channels since not only via the broadcasting channels but those educational programmes can be listened across the mobile phones too.   
Establishment of youth entrepreneurship  development fund 

The main obstacle confronted by the youth community who enter the business world as fresh entrepreneurs is the lack of financial resources for investing in their enterprises, whereas those already engaged in the businesses too encounter various issues in finding required financial resources.   

Therefore, the young entrepreneurs confront with numerous hardships due to the attempts by them via informal methodologies. The Government’s policy framework ‘Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour’ proposes to inaugurate a youth development fund and a lottery to promote the fund. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister of Youth and Sports to initiate the said fund across a Parliamentary act, and to direct the Legal Draftsman to prepare a draft bill for the purpose.   

Declaration of the National Sports Day   

The Cabinet declare April 6 every year as the National Sports Day of Sri Lanka.   

However, the importance of the day is not much recognised by the citizens due to the festive psychosis followed by the preparation of the new year. Since athletes as well as the entire community should be made aware of sports while a love for sports should be developed across declaration of a sports day, various groups related to the sports arena have pointed out the requirement of declaration of a respective appropriate day as the National Sports Day. Taking this into account, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Youth and Sports for the declaration of 31st July on which Mr. Duncan White won the silver medal for 400 metre hurdles to recognise Sri Lanka globally at a Summer Olympic festival as the National Sports Day. 
Proposed Assets Utilisation Reforms Commission Bill   

As mentioned in the budget speech 2021, immediate actions should be taken for ensuring the maximum utilisation of under-utilised assets including the lands for the betterment of the nation and the national economic development. It has become a pioneer requirement to introduce an appropriate methodology for utilising state ventures with assets including the Government lands rendered on long term lease but is under-utilised, condominium properties delayed of construction activities due to various reasons and under-utilised lands.   
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the President for the establishment of an institution as Assets Utilisation Reformation Commission and providing legitimate powers required for that institution to take necessary measures to productively utilise the identified under-utilised assets as well as to direct the Legal Draftsman to prepare the draft bill of the Assets Utilisation Reformation Commission including the necessary provisions.  

Submission of regulations issued under the Import and Export Control Act No. 1 of 1969 for  parliamentary approval   

The Gazette Notification No. 2214/56 issued on 11.02.2021 under the Import and Export Control Act No. 1 of 1969 allows the importation of suspended ceramic products on 180-day loan basis and the importation of sarees other than batik and handloom garments and textiles on 90-day loan basis.   

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal presented by the Prime Minister in his capacity as Minister of Finance to table the said gazette notification in the Parliament for approval in terms of Section 20 of the said Act.     


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