Save Your Monkey insurance comparison website launched     Follow

Insurance is viewed as one of the many tiresome legal obligations by most Sri Lankans. The real purpose of it and the value it serves is overlooked by many. They fail to appreciate insurance, simply because it seems too complicated to understand and even more tedious to procure. 
As a young brand that believes in achieving simplicity through innovation, Save Your Monkey envisions in making insurance accessible to everyone, by simplifying the process of procuring a policy through, Sri Lanka’s most comprehensive online insurance comparison platform. allows consumers to compare multiple insurance quotations and procure a policy immediately, while SYM insurance brokers facilitate the entire process. The service offered by Save Your Monkey doesn’t just involve helping customers to compare and buy insurance, but also extends to the point of delivering the policy documents to the doorstep of the customer. 
Online insurance comparison platforms have been implemented in a number of developed regions across the world and have shown to significantly enhance customer reach and experience. Save Your Monkey hopes to bring this globally commended service to Sri Lanka while enriching it with a number of other value-added products that are exclusively tailored for the Sri Lankan consumer. is currently focusing on providing comparisons for vehicle and travel policies online. The brand also hopes to offer comparisons on a number of other insurances offline while migrating other general insurances, such as housing, on to the online platform in the near term. As part of the company’s value-enhancing proposition, Save Your Monkey has partnered with a number of leading third party service providers in the country to pass on additional benefits to the end customer.  Save Your Monkey believes collaboration to be an absolute key strategy, which is instilled deeply within the company’s corporate culture.  “Being a young team, we have much to gain from leveraging in other competencies and services. Save Your Monkey believes in collaboration, thinking outside the box and structuring products that are not only innovative but also provide a unique value proposition that address the need of every consumer,” said Save Your Monkey CFO and Director Dhanushka Liyanage.
He further stated that Save Your Monkey has been fortunate to partner and collaborate with top-tier service providers such as Laugfs Car Care, Autodrome and Uber, to provide these value additions to the company’s clientele. 
In addition to the comparison platform, the website also serves as a knowledge hub that addresses the most common concerns of insurance consumers in the country, allowing them to make well-informed decisions on their policies. 
A second initiative that is expected to be launched by the company is the Save Your Monkey Roadside Assistance application that will give added assurance to customers by providing vital services during a time of crisis. This application, which will be a novel concept to Sri Lanka, will allow vehicle users to receive help when met with an accident or when faced with vehicle failure with a simple click of a button. Additionally, the company will also maintain an in-house call centre that the customers can access around the clock.
Along with their online platform, Save Your Monkey also provides services to the corporate sector via SYM insurance brokers.


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