People’s Bank marks Int’l Youth Day with YES Savings account benefits     Follow

Commemorating International Youth Day, People’s Bank offers an attractive bundle of benefits to the Sri Lankan Youth through the YES Savings account. 
The bank has taken steps to deliver the latest digital banking experience as well as a number of streamlined banking services. 
By becoming a YES Savings account holder, you too can contribute to the People’s Bank’s endeavour in realizing an environmentally sustainable future, with reduced paper usage.
Expressing his views, Lionel Galagedara Deputy General Manager (Retail Banking) of People’s Bank stated, “Since its inception, People’s Bank has introduced accounts evolving with customer requirements catering different customer segments spread across the country .YES savings account, which is exclusively dedicated to the youth of the country, was launched in 2003 on conjunction with the International Youth Day. The YES account has drawn the attention of ambitious youth who aims to realize their life goals and succeed in life. This year, in commemoration of the Youth Day, we have declared a ‘YES Three-month Savings’ period from 1st of August to 31st of October especially focusing to uplift the quality of life and support the aspiring youth.” 
“As a YES Savings account holder, you will have the advantage of receiving a high interest for your savings, with a number of options for obtaining  loans for all your needs, at your convenience. Among its various loan schemes are People’s Wisdom educational loan scheme for those pursuing higher studies, People’s Auto loan scheme for those anticipating to purchase their own vehicle. People’s Professional loan scheme for young professionals to pursue their dreams and special loan schemes to support Small and Medium scale entrepreneurs. You can also plan ahead and ensure a secured future with the retirement savings scheme People’s Relax from People’s Bank.
“People’s Bank’s Mobile Banking service helps YES account holders  access their accounts and conduct bank transactions from anywhere any time via their mobile phones. In addition to that the People’s Net internet banking service offers them the ultimate convenience of conducting day to day transactions via internet without having to visit the bank.”  Commenting on the same T.G.S.P. Kumarasiri Acting Assistant General Manager (Marketing and Research) of People’s Bank said, “youth is the lifeline of a country’s future and an efficient youth workforce is a valuable resource to the nation. People’s Bank aims to provide a financially secured future for the youth and support them face challenges, Effectively, Strategically when moving forward in life, pursing higher studies, dreams and career growth.
“People’s Bank has taken steps to offer a host of digital banking services incorporating innovation and technology under the bank’s digitization process, with special attention to the latest evolving financial needs of country’s youth. Through its digitization process, People’s Bank has introduced self-banking Units that operate round the clock seven days a week, facilitating a number of banking transactions including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, mobile reloads and payment of utility bills.“
“Marking a new milestone in the history of banking in Sri Lanka, People’s Bank inaugurated its first ever digital centre in York Street, Colombo 1. The centre offers eco-friendly paper-less banking service to the customers along with optimized digital banking facilities. We hope to expand the service throughout the island in the near future.”
“At the annual SLIM Brand Excellence 2016, which recognizes the Best brands in the country, People’s Bank YES savings account was awarded with the Gold award for ‘Service Brand of the Year’. The exceptional service rendered by the YES savings account towards uplifting the living standard of the youth, adding value to their lives and helping them pursue their aspirations was also commended at the award ceremony.” 
Between 1st August to 31st October, YES account holders can obtain People’s VISA international Debit card and Credit card without paying the Joining fee. This will offer a great convenience of conducting banking transactions from any of the 500 ATMs and over 3125 ATMs with Lanka Pay facilities operating day and night. in addition to accessing, 735 plus People’s Bank branches island wide. By dialling People’s Bank hotline 1961, further details regarding these services can be obtained. 

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