NDB Wealth ‘Regular Income Plan’ helping meet life’s milestones

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No matter the financial goals one aspires to, whether it is buying a home or car, or paying to educate one’s children, a Regular Income Plan from expert financial planner NDB Wealth is one of the best options for true success.

“Achieving a goal is incredibly satisfying, and it is even better when you meet financial goals related to payments or income. So, if you are looking to make a down payment on a home or car, or go on a vacation you have always dreamed about, a Regular Income Plan takes care of it all,” said NDB Wealth Financial Advisor Christina Wesley.

NDB Wealth’s Regular Income Plan allows the saver to withdraw a predetermined amount, at regular intervals, from an existing saving or investment account at NDB Wealth. These intervals can be monthly, quarterly and will be credited to your bank account on the date 
specified by you.

Wesley added: “The Regular Income Plan from NDB Wealth can also help you with a variety of ongoing financial commitments, from paying your monthly insurance premium, or your kid’s college tuition, to even securing your long term future by providing a steady retirement income.”

The Regular Income Plan is so flexible it lets clients take out a part of the capital as well as income you make from it or, alternatively, only withdraw the income made on investments, enabling capital to stay invested.

Plans also have a number of other benefits, including being tax-free regular income (tax free in the hands of the investor). Additionally, there are no penalties or fees associated with the NDB Wealth Regular Income Plan, so you can withdraw all or part of your money, at any time. You can even start generating an income immediately by depositing today, and even increase or reduce the amount you withdraw later based on any new requirements. NDB Wealth also helps by facilitating periodic bill payments to third parties.

These plans are proving particularly useful in case of medical, or other, emergencies since you can take out all, or part, of your money, at any time. Without penalty or fee. However, if you remain disciplined, and stay true to the plan, the overall advantages you accrue are considerable.

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