Amaraweera’s son sent on 14 day quarantine     Follow

Minister Amaraweera opens a hand washing facility for the bus and train commuters and the public in front of the Fort railway station


By Sandun A Jayasekera

Pasan Amaraweera, son of Power, Energy and Commuter Transport Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, who has arrived in Sri Lanka on Monday night from England has been sent for a 14 day quarantine spell as required to prevent an infection.   

Minister Amaraweera told Daily Mirror that he did not want special treatment for his son, a university student in the UK and instructed him to undergo the quarantine period and he accepted it diligently.   

Minister Amaraweera opened a hand washing facility for the bus and train commuters and the public in front of the Fort railway station last morning.   

“We are worried about the rise in COVID 19 infections in the country. The opening of the hand washing facility is a small step we have taken to keep the viral infection at bay. I expect, the public and bus and train commuters will use this facility to keep their hands free from viral infection,” Minister Amaraweera said.  Minister Amaraweera told reporters that the SLTB buses and trains were running at a loss right now because of the lack of passengers but bus and train services will not be restricted.   

In response to Daily Mirror, Minister Amaraweera said the government would cut election expenses drastically and divert savings to control the spread of COVID 19.  “The government has no hesitation to allocate as much as funds needed to contain the spread of corona viral infection. I would like to make an appeal to the opposition to do the same and contribute their energy and money to face this national disaster as one. I don’t mind if the opposition attempts to score a few brownie points by contributing to control COVID 19,” Minister 
Amarawera stressed.   

Replying to another query, Minister Amaraweera said the government had no intention to postpone the election but the SLPP and the SLFP would not be holding big election rallies since house to house campaigning would be the main mode of propaganda. 


I expect, the public and bus and train commuters will use this facility to keep their hands free from viral infection

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